Sunday, February 15, 2009

Desaru trip, White dog cafe, CDP interview

Alrights, I'm just lazy to place the pictures in order.

Desaru trip, there's the chocolate factory visit, fruit farm visit, follow by animal farm, fantastic lunch buffet at the bee farm, fishing/kbox/canoe/speedboat session at fish farm and finally travelling on a boat in search for fireflies at night. The flies were so beautfiful, oh my godness.

More pictures to be uploaded after the flim is developed.

Desaru trip.

Thursday, pon-ed school and got to pay respects for my late paternal grandmother at Hougang, took a walk around Northpoint and went home in the late evenings.

Wednesday evening, met up with Sheyl for dinner at White dog cafe. The food was fantastic.

Wednesday, annual bowling session with class (Not exactly the whole class went anyways) I've only got Miss Hani's photo. LOL! Overall, the experience was alrights.

Tuesday, worked, worked, worked. It was super slack, 3pm-10pm. There was also CDP interview which I passed sucessfully; 49/50.

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