Friday, November 14, 2008

A day at Simei ITE career fair and T3 work

There was this career 'talk' at Simei ITE which was compulsory to attend since attendance would be counted at 10am, speaking of which, was almost a completely waste of my time walking around there. Sighs. Anyways, window-shopping and running around Terminals was so so so much fun with friends.

Popeye and Gloria Jean's Cookies and Cream is love today ;D I do hope I get the Gloria Jean's job. It would be so so much of a dream come true for me. And anyways, after that met up with Serine and sister for work at T3. Work was fantastic today, despite having to work hard. Nothing is better than to have a hell lot of good friends when you are working.

Till then, sayonara! ;D

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